Wednesday, 20 January 2016

About the Author: Final Publications!!

These are my final publications!!! Out of all the prints I did I managed to fold maybe 6 of them almost passably acceptably? A lot of them came out total trainwrecks because... while I planned the size of everything while I made the positives in photoshop, I NEGLECTED TO PUT CROP MARKS ON ANYTHING, so each strip I trimmed down to different sizes and this folding the pages was really hard to get ones that lined up properly! A lesson for next time - crop marks are important. Also I'd printed against the grain (as I forgot everything Ben said about having to print with the grain to make folding easier!!!!). I also forgot to put my name on it, but I have an idea of adding a label to the ribbon or something, this only really matters for colours may vary. 

Instead of making a belly band I decided to tie ribbon around my books as I thought this accented the whole 1800's gothic feel of the book. I chose black and green ribbon to match the colours of the book, though now I'm wondering how red might have looked. Overall I think it just adds the finishing touch onto the book and makes it look nice and pretty.

There was a small typo on my final prints and I'd spent so long printing them, I didn't have the heart to go back and do it all again. Initially I thought I could probably cover it with some of the left over printing ink and correct the mistake with tracing magic, but the cover up did not blend into the background so well. Other options I considered were; cutting off the back page entirely, just leaving the typo because it's quite small and I'm not sure anyone will notice unless they're looking for it, or the last one that I attempted that was adding a black ink circle over the typo, as if a bottle has been put down on it. This way it still relates to the overall theme of the work, but also covers the typo. The only real issue being that it then obscures some other bits of text, but I like how it looks to be honest. 

As my prints were on two strips (each half a sheet of A2 paper) I had to join them together, I decided to use black card for this as it is a stark bold contrast. I thought it would probably end up a mess if I'd tried to join the pattern on the back together over that fold, so I decided black would look best! I toyed with the idea of using fabric but forgot to pick up any when I went to the shop. This is probably for the best as PVA glue was useless so I ended up having to use contact adhesive to glue the book together, and it probably would have seeped through fabric. 

Overall I am extremely happy with how they came out. I got a lot of good feedback on the colour scheme and concept of the publication and I feel very proud of myself as I feel like this is one of the biggest projects I've undertaken, I had to learn a bunch of new skills / practice old rusty skills to be able to create something of this calibre. I feel good about it. I think the idea I had was quite fun as it takes Poe's work and brings it into a modern light what with the fancy beer and labels being quite fashionable right now. Hypothetically it could bring information to light and inform people of Poe's work, when they may have not initially been interested. Someone asked why I did beer labels instead of cognac labels, as Poe was a big cognac drinker, and truly it was because of the already brilliant pun in the title "Never Bet The Devil Your Head". One that I didn't end up using because the lino didn't translate so well was "The Cask of Red Death"

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