I decided to use some of the textures from my mono-printing session to make the crystals as I thought this would draw focus to them, and also give the square, refracting kind of look that crystals have. I like the way in this image the crystals are more central. In my original roughs the character was more central, but this composition works better for the movement. I wish I had worked on that glittering effect a little more, in each still frame it looked fine but when in motion it doesn't quite come together. I had quite the struggle figuring out the movement of the crystals, I spent quite a while moving them minute amounts on the page to find that this looked clunky and I actually needed a lot less frames with bigger jumps of movement in them. This was pretty frustrating but it made me think about how quickly things moved especially with the blinking in my lava lamp gif.
This is my least favourite gif, I took a chance and used papercut because I thought it might give a funky effect. The hair movement in particular makes me cringe, it did look alright when there were only 5 frames but once I started duplicating them things got out of hand so there are repeated layers in a row, making the hair stop moving a bit. The whole process with this image was really fiddly and I think there would have been millions of better ways around it but I am not a smart man. I do kind of enjoy the handmade aesthetic of this although I don't like the outcome on the whole.
I think this is my most successful gif. Initially I was just going to have the lava moving but I'm glad I added the blinking too, because it gives the character life. I struggled a little with making the lava loop-able, I would have liked to have made it flow differently with lava coming from different angles in the image. The colour scheme is pretty good in this, as I wanted it to look like a lava lamp I used different shades of orange - looking at it now it could have been a bit more luminous. When I was making this the blinking looked to be an average speed but now when I look at it it seems too fast, if I were to change this I would add in more frames of the eyes being open so there was space between the blinks.
All of my gifs are fairly simple, as I am not a skilled animator. I think I could have probably pushed my ideas a bit further, though if I had invested more time into making a really complicated gif then I'm not sure I would have had the time or patience to get two more done. This project has made me more interested in gif-making and how I can improve in this skill