Sunday, 29 January 2017


A lot of my intent has remained the same. I'm finding more of my tone of voice and what I want to do so I am fine tuning things a bit. Briefs have changed cause I've finished some or decided against others but ye.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

N0T3 T0 S3LF

Now that COP is over I need to re-evaluate where I am in terms of STUDIO PRACTICE and PPP

Things I've noticed so far and what I need to do next!
A lot of my briefs have been short, quick turnaround briefs. This semester I want to do more varied briefs, still doing short ones but also looking at ones that would be 'more substantial'.

I think I need to look at some more substantial competition briefs, perhaps a book cover? Or using the format of a pre-existing competition brief but using a different book or something like that. 

as I have been doing a lot of quick briefs I have not taken enough time to research things, I need to do some thorough researching and such. 

I can easily add more research to my monster girls project, for example - mermaids, as different kinds of sea creatures, etc etc. I aim to look into more artists who inspire me and different methods and processes. 

Back On Track with one-a-week:
my one-a-week monster girls project has fallen behind and I need to get back on it!

I hope I can learn to organise my time better now I'm not trying to juggle a 9000 word dissertation alongside these modules as well. 

I'm not sure I have any fully formed ideas but I like the idea of doing some makeup 'branding' (packaging design, advertising, etc?). 

Last year in responsive when I did the 'break new ground in beauty branding' I really enjoyed learning about pattern and packaging - I would like to learn more about this.
Plus I have a love of drag queens and makeup in general so doing something related to this has interested me for a while. I think I'll have to do some testing of ideas to see how I could make this work. 

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Monster Girl || Centaur

This was a monster girl I started a while ago, which seemed promising to begin with but once I started trying to add more and more details it really fucked up. 

I've been doing more digital work recently so I'm thinking if I had brought the shapes into photoshop and added the detail from there it may have been more successful as all things would have been undo-able.

I think I was too ambitious with the papercut in this. I tried to slice the little details on the boob and the face which was a mistake - I could have easily added these details with pen / paint or digitally afterwards. Or only made one part of the being papercut, like the horse legs?

The white paint as a highlight was also a terrible plan. I thought it would help to define some things but it just turned the whole image into a big ol' mess!

A reference picture of horse legs may have been a good idea too. 

Positives - The colour combo's are pretty sweet, I like the solid black body with turquoise and pink details. Also the background of the yellow and indigo give a mystical night-time atmosphere which is pretty cool and fantasy - like

overall this is a massive fail tho.