Friday, 28 April 2017

Richard Hawley - Disgraceland

Guess who kind of forgot about this brief... it was me!

I did the 'proposal' for this in about two days. In that two days I realised I completely forgot everything I'd ever known about creating an image for screenprint... because I haven't screenprinted in a year, haha whoops. 

I basically had one idea and I was gonna roll with it, I realise it's meant to be like 'graceland' but I was getting 'wasteland' vibes - hence the muted - yellowey- deserted sandy look to the entire image. When I sketched it out I was just thinking of the sign-post and a pathway, as I was doing this I realised I could wind the pathway into the vague shape of a guitar - sort of in keeping with other posters made for Hawley. 

I realised I neeeded to do halftones so I could get some different shades of yellow throughout the image and swiftly realised I had no fucking clue what I was doing, ended up going through my blog from the past few years going through all the screenprinting notes I had ever made. Which helped to a degree, this is still a pretty janky halftone though. 

I tried to make the image mainly digitally because I thought that this would be an quicker, simpler way of doing it, I however was incredibly wrong.

I think I got fixated on the fact that this had to be an image made for screenprint so I spent ages painstakingly making this in separate colours and halftones when I should have made an image and found a way of ADAPTING that into a 3 colour screenprint.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Vague positioning roughs for the company of wolves. 

Wondering about bits and pieces for the final scene of The Company of Wolves. Wasn't sure how explicit to go, I mean that'd definitely take things up a notch but also... this man turns into a dog eventually, wheres the line between men, furries and plain beastiality, it's maybe a line I don't want to walk on. 

Rough for the bloody chamber: the mirrors all reflecting the main character. Shown from all different angles, dangling. 

Character sketches for The Bloody Chamber - trying to capture some innocence but also the 'grandeur' she gets from being married to this dude & all his riches. 

more bits and pieces, company of wolves plans.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017


I decided to fiddle with some things, as I enjoy pattern making and hadn't made one for this. I used the bits and pieces I had monoprinted, & previously made, as well as drawing up the lily digitally!

I am really happy with how this turned out!! I didn't want to use any bright bright reds as it may be a bit cliche but I think the understated muted colours match the tones of the story while still alluding to horror and gore in a way. 

Since it's a pattern it's a lot of disembodied things which links vert closely with the paper-cut stuff I'm making for this project - so probably would not look out of place included in a book alongside them (even though I made this kind of separately from it)

I thought this kind of pattern could potentially be used on an inside cover of a  book where there are often those spare pages filled with colour (it's hard to find mockup templates of that inside page, so forgive this janky mockup) 

My bits and pieces of stuff definitely comes together more when I can bring it all into one digital image so I'm hoping that my paper-cut images will work out in my favour once I can edit  and mess with them them properly in photoshop

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

BUFFY || More Sketches & Hiatus of the project

Roughing out some potential layouts. I liked the idea of doing something like a playing card - two people, kind of reversable. So the image would be a prominent character of the season and a prominent 'big bad' of the season.

I've started to kind of map up a Willow / Dark Willow image (it very much should be considered a sketch)

I'm trying to draw the characters in my style again but I'm not really happy with what I've made and I'm struggling to find a method thats going to work well for this project.

Ben said I'm struggling with it because everyone looks so generic because it's the 90's and fashion was terrible.

At this point I have to focus more on FMP and while I would like to continue working on this project I know it's not in my best interests for my portfolio or my time usage. I would like to continue this project on past the degree as a self-indulgent passion project as I do not know how long it will take to truly find the style I'm gonna work with for the project!!!! 

I would have liked to be able to create something more solid, as I have not been able to even make any 'final images' for this project. I think I just started on it too late and took on too much along with it to be able to finish this big project along with FMP. But at least it gives me something to work on post-degree. 

Monday, 17 April 2017

FMP || Company of Wolves

Wow this film sure was an experience & surprisingly accurate to parts of the story too!

Watched it to get some ideas for imagery, particularly with wolf / transformation stuff cause that's always tricky to capture. WOW THIS FILM DOES NOT HOLD BACK WITH THE TRANSFORMING

like that is a real horror. I'm not sure if this is a game changer but it definitely makes me feel more comfortable with the amount of pure WEIRD this project can be. Not that I'm trying to restrict myself, it's just context isn't it? Like you kind of expect 'adult fiction' illustration to be 'sophisticated' or whatever but the source material is leading me down the path of just getting real weird with it. 

FMP - Copying the folio society competition specs

I could only find binding dimensions so I assume the inner illustrations can be within that size?

I'll have to ask someone about it or keep trying to find the specs but since the competition is closed for this year I'm struggling to find anything that isn't just "CLOSED"

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Tutorial With Ben

- Showed ben these experiments I'm doing, told him I'm just getting weird with it
- 2D but 3D thing is working well
- collage stuff, do more, add some found image stuff
- Good level of 'gore' suggested but not OVERKILL
- the final images should be not these pieces themselves but a good photograph of the pieces, capturing the 3D - then they can be touched up in photoshop & finalised
- I should aim to make 6 of these (I'm happy with that amount, its reasonable and gives me a good target to work towards!!

- I realised that I don't really know where this is going anymore because I removed all of my 'context' for the project. I figure since I've got the goal of 6 images I will go for a Folio Society style format of a front cover & inside illustrations etc. That way it feels legitimate and I can just make images focused on illustrating the stories &I guess I can transfer them to other things at some future point maybe???

Monday, 10 April 2017

Easter Action Plan - EP


- AIM - 
6 Papercut Pieces - To Be Photographed. 

* Experiment with more collage & papercut stuff

*look up & experiment with pop up stuff

* Blog up to date on initial sketching stuff



songs selected: 
Mindless Self Indulgence - Casio 
The Cure - Plainsong
Amanda Palmer - Melody Dean or Machete 


* add backgrounds to finished papercuts (no new creations) 

*blog up to date 

(Passion project, going on the back burner, there probably won't be finished pieces for this project, but I will keep it ongoing, my main focus should be FMP now, so I'll do bits when I feel like it but it's kind of not important) 

*blogging up to date

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

FMP || Research.. SORT OF

Ben told me to watch this thing to help my FMP, as with books it's stuff that's been done over and over  and over again so ya gotta find new ways of interpreting stuff.

Maybe my work is not just 'illustrations of The Bloody Chamber' but becomes something a little more bastardised. (which is cool cos The Bloody Chamber is all fairytales that have been twisted so its sort of open to a little more twisting)

So this is an interpretation of  Alice in Wonderland but my god it's the most horrifying things I've watched in a while. Alice in Wonderland always gave me the heebie jeebies anyway but this is next level weird. 

BUT I get the concept - it's an unconventional portrayal of Alice in wonderland, and it's good to twist the things