My idea was a poster for a horror themed drag show called 'Dragula' - combining my theme with my current obsession with drag queens.
This brief being collage based allowed me to crack out the textures I had made for shape & texture again. I tried out a face to begin with for layout/idea purposes. The shadow under the jaw looks awkward as it's meant to look as if it's underneath but since it's collage and it's on top of the white layer.
The layer of brusho for the eyeshadow was pretty successful as it was a change in texture from the rest of the collaged pieces.
I just didn't know what to do with this hand it facing upward would have been best for writing information on - as I wanted it to look like an event poster but going sideways just looked better, to me.
I think doing the neck in a grey shade really makes the face pop and gives it that shadowed effect I wanted. I used two pieces of paper, and I cut one so it had the bump of an adams apple showing - the way it overlaps accentuates this. Honestly this little detail was one of my favourite elements.
I am really happy with the final poster. Usually I absolutely hate collage but I had a lot of fun with this, I still hated the little bits of paper everywhere but this outcome is so much better than I could have expected - I'm not sure if part of this came from the spontaneity of the piece ad I didn't plan it out too much I just got sticking things down and editing as I went.