Monday, 5 September 2016

Extended Practice Prep: Ideas errywhere - Illustration Friday

I'm not sure if this counts as a live brief or just a self set one so I'll just throw it out there as an idea. I want to explore narrative more, and I have a terrible habit of over complicating things. The idea is to use the weekly 'Illustration Friday' themes and creating a three panel comic based on that theme. This would help me to not over-complicate things by restraining myself to three panels (a beginning middle and end). The different starting stimuli will allow me to not get bogged down over one huge complicated story - I am not a storyteller and my brain is a confusing place so I feel the need to get a grasp on narrative before attempting something larger.

I did have an idea while listening to The Tell Tale Hound by Louis Barabass and the Bedlam Six to maybe do a horror comic illustrating the story of the song - but thinking about this I feel like doing that while being fun may be biting off more than I can chew, especially with my tendency to over complicate things! Maybe I can do this on my own time, one day.

Some short  comics I've been enjoying as of late include Adam Ellis - This is pretty fun as it shows how you can transform comics for the internet so you can add an extra level of gentle movement to it. COOL, also funny and relatable with simple, straight forward, non-complicated, ideas!

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