Wednesday, 15 February 2017


soooooo this is the first workings of things in the sketchbook!!

going into this thinking very much the images made are designed to go on a box set re-design.

first thoughts: whats appropriate to go on each season box. I intended the design as a 20th anniversary re-design / collectors edition the intended audience would be people who are already established Buffy fans. I thought, because of this, putting the main villain of the season on each season's cover (for a new viewer it could be considered a spoiler??? but for already established buffy fans it's like, they know whats going on)

My initial stuff is a lot of sketches, trying to figure out characters faces (and failing), I want to retain my 'tone of voice' but still show the characters which is proving VERY DIFFICULT.

It feels more difficult cause i'm trying to look at it from a design perspective rather than just a mindless fan-art piece ( even though it is a self indulgent passion project, cause I love buffy ). But since the characters are real actors I feel like it has to look enough like the actual humans but you know... realism... it's not my thing, proportions etc. It's just not working for me.

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