Tuesday, 28 March 2017

FMP - Foldin' & Openin'

After talking with ben I decided to just get real weird with it. 

 This piece above is by Alison Woodward and I've always been totally inspired by this kind of style of intricate papercut / pop up stuff. I'm not looking to copy her style, because it's hers obviously but since I have been working with papercut a lot anyway I figured it could be really interesting to just play around more since I'd stressed myself out thinking too much about this project and I just want to have fun and make images at this point. 

This is a test I made, for a scene in the Bloody Chamber, it messed up a bit sizing wise so it had to open the wrong way, which isn't ideal. I incorporated a scrap photo of some meat behind it to make it kind of unsettling. It does kind of get lost in the back there, maybe it should be more prominent? I honestly forget it's there. 

Bit of a cliche colour scheme perhaps??

I want to add more detail to the outside of the iron maiden, so it's kind of embellished and decorative. 

I need to research into pop up books and see the mechanics of making things pop up and out all over the place rather than just opening. 

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