Although it was between 'Sean Bean deaths' and 'Things that Happen in Fab Cafe' I only ended up developing the Sean Bean theme as I thought that it was the more exciting idea and was most feasible to create in the amount of time I had left.
This idea had already been done during the crit so I was able to get some feedback on it. The image shows a single Sean Bean marked out with the different deaths, I thought this idea was good because it would give the typology an info-graphic style look however my crit group thought this would not be successful as the whole body would be down the middle of the page, making it small and also leaving a lot of negative space.
The most challenging part of this project was actually drawing Sean Bean, as I didn't want to have to draw a fully detailed character each time but simplifying his face was difficult. In the end I think I managed to narrow it down to main features of nose shape, small eyes and long-ish wiggly hair, all of which were extremely simplified. (This can be seen in the image of Sean Bean Ghosts below). The cartoon like style gives a funnier edge to the image, making the morbid theme more light-hearted.
My initial idea was to have each Sean Bean causing the others' death, accidentally but upon sketching this out I found it was really difficult to have them all link, especially ones such as 'Run off Cliff Chased by Cows' so I decided this idea - although it would be funny would not be the best for the final image.
The final idea I came to was ghosts of Sean Bean's characters, which is pretty fitting with them all being dead. Using gouache allowed me to create flat colours in different shades of the same colour, which in blue made the characters look really glowing and ghostly, which looked totally cool and fitting with the theme.
Below is the A3 sketch I did, mainly for layout purposes of what the final image would vaugely be.
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Final Poster |
For the final poster depicting an A-Z of Sean Bean's characters deaths I decided to portray all the characters as ghosts, with some indication of the death upon them - somewhat inspired by the ghosts in the film Stardust, who live in a permanent state of how they died.
In my development I used gouache to paint the ghosts which gave them a great, dead and ghostly look to them. In this photograph they seem to glow in a ghost-like way too! So I used this medium in the final piece as it was successful and gave a bold look to the image, whereas something like watercolour would have given a softer effect and completely changed the tone of the poster. I intended the poster to be funny and the bold colour suits this, a softer look would have made it look more sombre and wouldn't have suited the tone.
The colour is something I got most positive feedback on from the rest of the group, I think it is particularly strong and it was an appropriate choice to step away from just black and white for the image.
To add to the humorous side of the image some of the ghosts are interacting with each other - the group of shot Sean Bean's playing cards in the corner and the two hung Sean's high fiving. While this is funny it would have been more successful if all of the ghosts had some kind of action, as the more static Sean's are not as engaging within the poster. Another thing I would change on the poster are the faces, as they are simplified I could have executed them way better and would like to have had some more uniformity amongst the faces, as some have ended up squashed and distorted.