How effectively do you think you have tackled the first part of this brief? have you been able to exhaust your ideas? How well have you used research to support the development of your ideas? Has drawing allowed you to visualise your ideas and evolve them further?
Although I didn't manage to do pages for all 10 themes, but I did come up with a lot of themes which were developed into what's seen on the pages. I wanted to make sure that the themes I developed were not too similar to each other so there are a few that had to stay in the 'list' stage as it would have been too 'samey'. Over all I think I have effectively tackled this stage of the brief as I have had and developed a lot of ideas, both successful and unsuccessfully.
Since the project is an 'A-Z of me' overall, the themes I chose were things I generally knew a lot about. The things I had to research mainly are the ways Sean Bean has died in films (25 times, wow) and finding an alphabet of things, though I tried to come up with as many as I could off the top of my head. I think this might have wasted time thinking too much when I could have been researching via secondary sources.
I think I did spend a little too much time making lists of themes rather than just trying to get drawings down on the page but when I did draw my ideas out I found that the visual ideas were easily developed. Drawing allowed me to find what style and imagery would or would not work in each theme, this is most evident in my 'Goth icons' theme.
In light of your feedback what theme/ideas do you intend to develop into a final deliverable poster?
The 'Sean Bean Death's' theme is one that had potential to be the theme for the final poster because it's funny and something that most people would be familiar with if they saw it on a poster. The feedback in my crit swayed towards this theme as well, but it was suggested I create new, outrageous, deaths for the poster.
Another of my stronger themes was 'Things that happen in Fab Cafe'. It was said that this theme could have a purpose - of informing about Fab Cafe even though some of the things would be pretty negative. This was also a humorous theme (a pattern occurs) I definitely think humour was part of my stronger themes that made them successful.
I intend to develop both of these themes somewhat to see what would make the more effective poster.
Outline briefly how you intend to generate the final deliverable artwork - consider media method, design and application What are the next steps required in development and refinement of your poster?
I definitely need to develop my two themes so I can decide which is most appropriate. With the Sean Bean theme I will be thinking up more elaborate ways for him to die in films whereas the Fab Cafe poster would be more based around the layout. I am going to do some (refined) roughs for these themes explore these themes further.
I have a few ideas about how I can make the Sean Bean poster work, one I thought of earlier was just having a single Sean with all the 'wounds' from various deaths marked on but the people in my crit group were not so keen on this idea.
Thinking about media - I think something bold would be best perhaps acrylic paint, gouache or markers. The two themes are better suited to bold opaque colours or thick lines rather than ink or watercolour washes as those media give a softer feeling and I do not think that would be appropriate for this.
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