Monday, 13 October 2014

Studio brief 1 - A-Z of Me, Typology -ideas

My first sketches were really rough, I was just jotting down whatever came into my head cause I was struggling to think of ideas but this resulted in absolutely terrible roughs so I had to find a new method of working. For me it was easiest to write the ideas down first rather than go straight to drawing, though I think I did waste a lot of time trying to create full A-Z lists rather than just drawing based on a few ideas from the list. 

This page was things found in the Bioshock series, there was no real deep idea to it other than Bioshock is something I like and could compile a good list of things about. Some of my most successful sketches are on this page, but I found concepts such as mind controlling triggers quite hard to illustrate in one image (without words, too). A main problem with this idea is that people would probably only understand it if they were also fans of Bioshock. 

This is one of my favourite ideas! An A-Z of Sean Bean Deaths. (This relates to me as Sean Bean is my assigned male actor counterpart). I was delighted to find he had died 25 times in film and TV but fitting those into the A-Z was quite the task. In these sketches I found it really hard to make it look like Sean Bean, so if this was developed further I would have to find a way of simplifying Sean Bean's face. This idea is fun, I think it's pretty recognisable as people know Sean Bean as the guy who dies in films, and there are loads of possibilities to make this funny!

Things that Happen In Fab Cafe was a wild idea and all the images are based off real life experiences there (you may notice some familiar faces creeping in). Although it's based off Fab Cafe the images could be applied to any bar scene so I think other people would be able to relate to this image and find it funny!

Initially I thought of doing an A-Z of hairstyles I have had but when I started drawing the shaved hairstyles came naturally. It's a pretty simple idea but it's got a little bit of a twist, what with the hairstyles being alternative. The images focus more on the hair because the face isn't included and I really like the effect this gives. Although there are a lot of styles with shaved hair I'm not sure there would be a real A-Z without making a few crazy ones up (which I'm not against). 

The style of sketch in this is a bit different to the others, I wanted to give it a spooky tattoo-flash style feel to it. Although I enjoy this style the theme itself was fairly limited and it was hard to think of spooky things that would be recognisable. 

This theme was actually 'Things to do in Middle Earth' with things such as 'go swimming with little hairy women',  'simply walk into mordor' and 'braid your beard'. The idea itself was interesting but when it was drawn out it looked just like things in Lord of The Rings rather than the initial idea.  I added a little colour on these scamps just to start thinking about how this could develop and what colour would be appropriate to the piece. 

Goth icons was so much harder to do than I thought it would be as styles are so different and some people like Tim Burton and Vincent Price translated well into a cartoon style but Siouxie Sioux didn't because of all the small details on her makeup and hair. It was also really difficult to find a full A-Z as not many names start with Z. 

When I started the page of eyebrows it seemed like a much better idea than it turned out to be. Initially all the eyebrows seemed to be noticably different but upon another look a lot of them are just eyebrows (to the untrained eye). This theme could have been improved by applying the eyebrows to something rather than just having them floating on a page. 

This theme of 'Things that make me cringe' was so hard to draw as I kept cringing thinking of those things. This theme really focuses around me and doesn't really branch off onto anything else, I'm not sure if it could. 

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