Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Visual Language - Composition

Task: Create an image considering composition with three elements - a figure, an item and a landscape. 

The first thing I did was sketch out what elements I wanted. A cloaked vampire creature, a curious person holding  a candelabra and a spooky stone corridor with torches and a wooden door.  

The first image I sketched out had the curious figure entering the room and the mysterious vampire at the front of the image. I then realised by just adding an extra line it would look like the vampire was creeping around behind a wall - which I thought was much more interesting. 

I tried some other compositions with the vampire lurking behind the other character. I was finding it hard making it so the characters weren't too close together but also so both the door and the curious character weren't together creating too much distance between the other elements. 

I had been working with pure landscapes and thought that it might be more effective to use this area to create a more interesting perspective - looking down a long thin corridor and around the wall. I thought it was definitely the most successful layout as the depth really favoured the feeling of the image as a whole. 

  • I really enjoyed working digitally for this - It's not a medium I normally use. I particularly liked adding texture to stuff and have wanted to experiment with it for a while!
  • The colours are inspired by this piece by Kali Ciesemier which has the same kind of feeling I was going for with my piece. Though looking at my image now I think some intense shadows would have helped the piece. 
  • I planned the composition traditionally in my sketchbook as I didn't know I wanted to use digital media, I definitely could have played about with the components in Photoshop but I didn't - other than resizing. 

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