Sunday, 14 May 2017

OUIL603 Evaluation

I feel this module is one of my stronger modules out of all three years (though maybe not as strong as COP). It’s allowed me to just be able to develop my practice and being able to pick and choose briefs that will help me personally develop works for my portfolio.

Starting off this year I was just starting to notice where my tone of voice sat and this module has let me play with media and develop my practice, giving me a consistent and coherent tone of voice that is very clearly mine and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching my work develop.

I was completely self indulgent this whole module, so all of my work is very much based off briefs that appeals to me and is perhaps not the most commercial. This was simply because I knew I would make terrible work if I wasn’t invested in the brief, and as a professional I would have plenty of briefs I probably wont be so enthusiastic about, so I should spend my learning days doing stuff I like to really hone my practice. For me; this worked and I have a body of work that I am extremely happy with, I can always take these images and apply them to things to show how they would work in a commercial sense.

I have thoroughly enjoyed developing my practice in papercraft and printmaking. I did enjoy the semi 3D things I started to make for FMP as it opened up a whole world of freedom for me in terms of my work because it meant I could create completely different compositions while photographing things that would have taken much longer and much more effort just drawing. Though I don’t think I will do it for every future project, it is something I would like to look more into, as well as expanding on my paper craft. For the EOYS I’m looking at re-making something from this but larger scale so that will be interesting.

Most people I talk to comment on how different my work is and how far I’ve come since I started the course which makes me feel proud of myself, I’m going in a completely different direction to what I initially thought I would 3 years ago but I’m much happier with my work and my budding practice.

I’ve made a bit of money off my work this year so that’s promising and positively re-inforcing me, giving me some confidence than I can continue this as a viable career.

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