All my stuff is kind of bits and pieces still getting towards a final thing right now. I know what I'm doing but I've come down with a spot of crippling depression and my work ethos has gone out the window. lol.
My dangly bits and pieces connected to the wolf are kind of like this Cornelia Parker doodabber.
( the bits and pieces weren't connected yet, I just proposed it as what I wanted to do with the pieces: Jamie said to consider a large scale version of this for the EOYS)
3D things are pretty cool - Just make the damn things : Think about how they're going to work in context - roughs of how they'll sit on the page as an illustration - not just how they'll be put together as an image you feel me? Think about adding backgrounds or other things digitally.
Laura Carlin's Book:
uses a mix of 3D / 2D drawings together - Think about doing something similar, adding extra bits, mixing things together (definitely, thats like my favourite thing to do, but I've got to get the pieces finished first ahhh)
The little excess scraps of paper are cool to have around cause I can mix and match with all the bits and pieces.
compared to cop work it's pretty restrained (I mean my cop was pretty fucking wild you gotta admit)
maybe I need to let loose with it, I mean I like what I'm making. I just hadn't gotten all the weird stuff together. I don't really like making things just to cut them up (when its an actual image and not a textured piece of paper so I guess thats holding me back a little. I'm a messy worker and guess I should just embrace being messy at this point, like why try and be restrained??? Idk I feel like I don't realise I'm 'restraining' myself I just do what feels right for the project lol)
Questions brought up: Where do I see my work being? / my portfolio appealing to (I've done a whole PPP module and I still have no idea, especially right now I'm in this mental health hellscape it\'s not something I've been too focused on. I want to dabble, and don't want to limit my options)
How does my COP fit into my other work? / Is it in my portfolio.
-It's not in my portfolio but maybe it should be.
The ideas behind my cop was the important part, the whole feminist thing and such - the image making was just some weird shit stuff that was appropriate to that and not something I see being interwoven with my practice so much?
What do I want people to think looking at my work?
Again I don't know, generally I get the "thats a bit weird that" and I like that but not everything I make is super weird???
Anyway for this I should up the weird.
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